2024 Christmas Missions Benefit Auction

Enabling the sharing of true meaning of Christmas with the world

The Church Supports over 25 missionaries around the world that have dedicated their lives to share the Gospel of Jesus. Proceed raised at the auction are sent to the missionary to be an added blessing during Christmas season.

Interview about the Auction

Auction Day

Massive Live and Silent Auction
Buster Miller Auction Barn
17717 Newcomb Rd Middlefield, OH 44062
11 AM Food & Preview
1 PM Bidding Begins
Food by The Back 40 & Stephen Beatty
Auctioneers Called From the Floor

Live Auction Items

-Trip to Sight and Sound Theater including Tickets for Two and Lodging
-10 ton Heavy Slag delivered by Lakeview Landscape Supply
-Load of Fire Wood Logs

Raffle Items

Chinese Auction

We expect there to be over 100 baskets and Items provided by businesses and people from the community.

A little History about our auction

The Church has held annual Christmas auction to benefit the various missionaries the church support to give them some extra support around Christmas when mission's giving tend to decrease since 2012. We started with silent and Chinese auctions with people from the church donating various baskets and small items that the same people would bid on through the month of November. As the years progresses our auction grew into live auction with more and more support from the community. In 2021 our auction out grew our church building and is now held at Buster's sale barn in Middlefield. The auction in now large scale with food, silent auctions, raffles, and live bidding; requiring over 50 volunteers from the church a community on auction day. It has been amazing to see God work through the auction.